Tuesday, February 27
8:30-9:15 Welcome and Overview , Prof. Nancy Leveson, MIT
9:15-10:00 What's So Difficult about Controlling Coasters , Nick Mansur, Walt Disney Imagineering
10:30-11:15 The Joint Services Software Systems Safety
Handbook , Michael Brown, NAVSEA Dahlgren
11:15-12:00 State of the Practice: Development of
Implantable Medical Devices , Lynn Elliott, Guidant Corporation
1:00-1:45 Current and Emerging Automative Dependable
Embedded Systems , Brian Murray, Delphi Automotive
1:45-2:30 Regulatory Framework for Digital
Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants , Matt Chiramal, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
3:00-3:45 Aircraft Information Systems , Jim Krodel. United Technologies
3:45-4:30 The FAA Approach to the Software Aspects of Safety Management , Ronald Stroup, Federal Aviation Administration
4:30-5:15 Medical Device Software System Safety and the FDA , Paul L. Jones, Food and Drug Administration
Wednesday, February 18
8:00-10:00 Break-Out Groups (A, B, C, D)
10:30-12:30 Break-Out Groups (E, F, A, B)
1:30-3:00 Break-Out Groups (C, E, E, F)
Break-Out Group Topics:
A = Analysis Techniques
B = Human-Machine Interaction
D = Requirements and Traceability
E = Experiences and Lessons Learned
F = Outstanding Issues