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Key Words and Phrases: education in programming, programming techniques, stepwise program construction
CR Categories: 1.50, 4.0
This paper deals with a single example chosen with these two purposes in mind. Some well-known techniques are briefly demonstrated and motivated (strategy of preselection, stepwise construction of trial solutions, introduction of auxiliary data, recursion), and the program is gradually developed in a sequence of refinement steps.
In each step, one or several instructions of the given program are decomposed into more detailed instructions. This successive decomposition or refinement of specifications terminates when all instructions are expressed in terms of an underlying computer or programming language, and must therefore be guided by the facilities available on that computer or language. The result of the execution of a program is expressed in terms of data, and it may be necessary to introduce further data for communication between the obtained subtasks or instructions. As tasks are refined, so the data may have to be refined, decomposed, or structured, and it is natural to refine program and data specifications in parallel.
Every refinement step implies some design decisions. It is important that these decision be made explicit, and that the programmer be aware of the underlying criteria and of the existence of alternative solutions. The possible solutions to a given problem emerge as the leaves of a tree, each node representing a point of deliberation and decision. Subtrees may be considered as families of solutions with certain common characteristics and structures. The notion of such a tree may be particularly helpful in the situation of changing purpose and environment to which a program may sometime have to be adapted.
A guideline in the process of stepwise refinement should be the principle to decompose decisions as much as possible, to untangle aspects which are only seemingly interdependent, and to defer those decisions which concern details of representation as long as possible. This ferent environments (languages and computers), where different representations may be required.
The chosen sample problem is formulated at the beginning of section 3. The reader is strongly urged to try to find a solution by himself before embarking on the paper which-of course-presents only one of many possible solutions.
repeat (statement sequence)
until (boolean expression)
is introduced, meaning that the statement sequence is to be repeated until the boolean expression has obtained the value true.
This problem is characteristic for the rather frequent situation where an analytical solution is not known, and where one has to resort to the method of trial and error. Typically, there exists a set A of candidates for solutions, among which one is to be selected which satisfies a certain condition p. Thus a solution is characterized as an x such that (x A) p(x).
A straightforward program to find a solution is:
repeat Generate the next element of A and call it x
until p(x) V (no more elements in A);
if p(x) then x = solution
The difficulty with this sort of problem usually is the sheer size of A, which forbids an exhaustive generation of candidates on the grounds of efficiency considerations. In the present example, A consists of 64!/(56! X 8!) = 2^32 elements (board configurations). Under the assumption that generation and test of each configuration consumes 100 microseconds, it would roughly take 7 hours to find a solution. It is obviously necessary to invent a "shortcut," a method which eliminates a large number of "obviously" disqualified contenders. This strategy of preselection is characterized as follows: Find a representation of p in the form p = q r. Then let Br = {x | (x A) r(x)}. Obviously Br A. Instead of generating elements of A, only elements of B are produced and tested on condition q instead of p. Suitable the following requirements:
The corresponding program then is:
repeat Generate the next element of B and call it x until q(x) V (no more elements in B); if q(x) then x = solution
A suitable condition r in the 8-queens problem is the rule that in every column of the board there must be exactly one queen. Condition q then merely specifies that there be at most one queen in every row and in every diagonal, which is evidently somewhat easier to test than p. The set Br, (configurations with one queen in every column) contains "only" 8^8 = 2^24 elements. They are generated by restricting the movement of queens to columns. Thus all of the above conditions are satisfied.
Assuming again a time of 100 ,us for the generation and test of a potential solution, finding a solution would now consume only 100 seconds. Having a powerful computer at one's disposal, one might easily be content with this gain in performance. If one is less fortunate and is forced to, say, solve the problem by hall (it, it would take 280 hours of generating and testing configurations at the rate of one per second. In this case it might pay to spend some time finding further shortcuts. Instead of applying the same method as before, another one is advocated here which is characterized as follows: Find a representation of trial solutions x of the form {x1, x2, ··· , xn}, such that every trial solution can be generated in steps which produce [x1], [x1, x2], [x1, x2, ··· , xn] respectively. The decomposition must be such that:
Thus a full solution can never be obtained by extending a partial trial solution which does not satisfy the predicate q. On the other hand, however, a partial trial solution satisfying q may not be extensible into a complete solution. This method of stepwise construction of trial solutions therefore requires that trial solutions failing at step j may have to be "shortened" again in order to try different extensions. This technique is called backtracking and may generally be characterized by the program:
j := 1;
repeat trystep j;
if successful then advance else regress
until (j < 1) V (j > n)
In the 8-queens example, a solution can be constructed by positioning queens in successive columns starting with column 1 and adding a queen in the next column in each step. Obviously, a partial configuration not satisfying the mutual nonaggression condition may never be extended by this method into a full solution. Also, since during the jth step only j queens have to be considered and tested for mutual nonaggression, finding a partial solution at step j requires less effort of inspeclion than finding a complete solution under the condition that all 8 queens are on the board all the time. Both stated criteria are therefore satisfies by the decomposition in which step j consists of finding a safe position for the queen in the jth column.
The program subsequently to be developed is based on this method; it generates and tests 876 partial configurations before finding a complete solution. Assuming again that each generation and test (which is now more easily accomplished than before) consumes one second, the solution is found in 15 minutes, and with the computer taking 100 microseconds per step, in 0.09 seconds.
variable board, pointer, safe;
repeat trycolunm;
if safe then
begin setqueen; considernextcolumn
end else regress
until lastcoldone V regressouttofirstcol
This program is composed of a set of more primitive instructions (or procedures) whose actions may be described as follows:
considerthiscolumn. The problem essentially consists of inspecting the safely of squares. A pointer variable designates the currently inspected square. The column in which this square lies is called the currently inspected column. This procedure initializes the pointer to denote the first column.
trycolumun. Starting at the current square of inspection in the currently considered column, move down the column until a safe square is found, in which case the boolean variable safe is set to true, or until the last square is reached and is also unsafe, in which case the variable safe is set to false.
setqueen. A queen is positioned into the last inspected square.
considernextcolumn. Advance to the next column and initialize its pointer or inspeclion.
regress. Regress to a column where it is possible to move the positioned queen rurther down, and remove the queens positionted in the columns over which regression takes place. (Note that we may have to regress over at most two columns. Why?)
The next step of program development was chosen to refine the descriptions of the instructions trycolumn and regress as follows:
procedure trycolumn; repeat advancepointer; testsquare until safe V lastsquare
procedure regress; begin reconsiderpriorcolumn if - regressouttofirstcol then begin removequeen; if lastsquare then begin reconsiderpriorcolumn; if not regressouttofirstcol then removequeen end end end
The program is expressed in terms of the instructions:
and of the predicates:
In order to refine these instructions and predicates
further in the direction of instructions and predicates
available in common programming languages, it becomes
necessary to express them in terms of data representable
in those languages. A decision on how to represent the
relevant facts in terms of data can therefore no longer be
postponed. First priority in decision making is given to
the problem of how to represent the positions of the
queens and of the square being currently inspected.
The most straightforward solution (i.e. the one most
closely renecting a wooden chessboard occupied by
marble pieces) is to introduce a Boolean square matrix with
B[i, j] = true
denoting that
square (i, j) is occupied. The
success of an algorithm, however, depends almost
always on a suitable choice of its data representation in
the light of the ease in which this representation allows
the necessary operations to be expressed. Apart from
this, consideration regarding storage requirements may
be of prime importance (although hardly in this case).
A common dilliculty in program design lics in the
unfortullale fact that at the stage where decisions about data
representations have to be made, it often is still difficult
to foresee the details of the necessary instructions
operating on the data, and vften quite impossible to estimate
the advantages of one possible representation over
another. In general, it is therefore advisable to delay
decisions about data representation as long as possible
(but not until it becomes obvious that no realizable
solution will suit the chosen algorithm).
In the problem presented here, it is fairly evident
even at this stage that the following choice is more
suitable than a Boolean matrix in terms of simplicity
of later instructions as well as of storage economy.
j is the index of the currently inspected column;
(xj, j) is the coordinate of the last inspected
and the position of the queen in column k < j is
by the coordinate pair
(xk, k) of the board. Now
the variable declarations for pointer and board are refined
conditions and predicates are expressed as:
procedure considerfirstcolumn;
begin j := 1; x[1] := 0 end
procedure considernextcolumn;
begin j := j + 1; x[j] = 0 end
procedure reconsiderpriorcolumn;
j := j - 1
procedure advancepointer;
x[j] := x[j] + 1
Boolean procedure EM>lastsquare;
lastsquare := x[j] = 8;
Boolean procedure lastcoldone;
lastcoldone := j > 8
Boolean procedure
regressouttofirstcol := j < 1
At this stage, the program is expressed in terms of the
As a matter of fact, the instructions setqueen and
removequeen may be regarded as vacuous, if we decide
that the procedure testsquare
is to determine the
value of the variable The introduction of V is advantageous (apart from
considerations of storage economy), if
n(k - 1)u > mu or
(n/m)(k - 1) > (v/u),
i.e. if the gain is greater than the loss in computation
A most straightforward solution to obtain a simple
version of testsquare is to introduce a Boolean matrix
B such that B[i,j] = true signifies that square (i,j)
recomputation whenever a new queen is removed
is prohibitive (why?) and will more than outweigh
the gain.
The realization that the relevant condition for safety
of a square is that the square must lie neither in a
row nor hl a diagonal already occupied by another
queen, leads to a much more economic choice of V.
We introduce noolean arrays a, b, c with the meanings:
ak = true : no queen is positioncd in row k
The choice of the index ranges of these arrays is made
in view of the fact that squares with equal sum of
their coordinates lie on the same /-diagonal, and
those with equal difference lie on the same \-diagonal.
With row and column indices from I to 8, we obtain:
Boolean array
Upon every introduction of :auxiliary data, care has
to he taken of their correct initialization. Since our
algorithm starts with an empty chessboard, this fact
must be represented by initially assigning the value
true to all components of the arrays a,b, and c. We can now write:
The correctness of the latter procedure is based on the
fact that each queen currently on the board had been
positioned on a safe square, and that all queens
positioned after the one to he removed now had already
been removed. Thus the square to be vacated
becomes safe again.
A critical examination of the program obtained so
far reveals that the variable x[j] occurs very often, and
in particular at those places of the program which are
also executed most often. Moreover, examination of
x[j] occurs much more frequenlly than reassignment of
values to j.
As a consequence, the principle of
introduction of new auxiliary data can again be applied to increase
efficiency: a new variable
integer i
is used to represent the value so far denoted by x[j]
Consequently x[j] = i
must always be executed before
j is increased, and i: = x[j] after
j is decreased. This
final step of program development leads to the
reformulation of some of the above procedures as follows:
The final program, using the procedures
and with the other procedures directly substituted, now
has the form
It is noteworthy that this program still displays the
structure of the version designed in the first step.
Naturally other, equally valid solutions can be suggested and
be developed by the same method of stepwise program
refinement. It is particularly essential to demonstrate this
fact to students. One alternative solution was suggested
to the author by E. W. Dijkstra. it is based on the view
that the problem consists of a stepwise extension of the
board by one column containing a safely positioned
queen, starting with a null-board and terminating with
8 columns. The process of extending the board is
formulated as a procedure, and the natural method to obtain
a complete board is by recursion of this procedure. It can
easily be composed of the same set of more primitive
instructions which were used in the first solution.
The program using this procedure then is
(Note that due to the introduction of the variable
i local to the recursive procedure,
every column has its own
poinler of inspection i. As a consequence, the
It is the purpose of the subsequent section to
demonstrate this advantage in view of a generalization of the
original 8-queens problem and its solution through an
extension of the program components introduced
The generalized problem is formulated as follows:
The new problem essentially consists of two parts:
It is evidently necessary to generate and test
candidates for solutions in some systematic manner. A
common technique is to find an ordering of candidates
and a condition to identify the last candidate. If an
ordering is found, the solutions can be mapped onto
the integers. A condition limiting the numeric values
associated with the solutions then yields a criterion for
termination of the algorithm, if the chosen method
generates solutions strictly in increasing order.
It is easy to find orderings of solutions for the present
problem. We choose for convenience the mapping
M(x) = j = 1 to 8 (xj10^(j-1)
An upper bound for possible solutions is then
M(xmax) = 88888888
and the "convenience" lies in the circumstance that our
earlier program generating one solution generates the
minimum solution which can be regarded as the starting
point from which to proceed to the next solution. This is
due to the chosen method of testing squares strictly
proceeding in increasing order of M(x) starting with
00000000. The method for generating further solutions
must now be chosen such that starting with the
configuration of a given solution, scanning proceeds in the same
order of increasing M, until either the next higher
solution is found or the limit is reached.
Indication of a solution being found by printing it now
occurs directly at the level of detection, i.e. before
leaving the repetition clause. Then the algorithm proceeds
to find a next solution whereby a shortcut is used by
directly regressing to the prior column; since a solution
places one queen in each row, there is no point in further
moving the last queen within the eightth column.
The recursive program is extended with even greater
ease following the same considerations:
In concluding, it should be noted that both programs
represent the same algorithm. Both determine 92
solutions in the same order by testing squares 15720 times.
This yields an average of 171 tests per solution;
the maximum is 876 test for finding a next solution (the first
one), and the minimum is 8. (Both programs coded in
the language Pascal were executed by a CDC 6400
computer in less than one second.)
Each refinement implies a number of design
decisions based upon a set of design criteria. Among these
criteria are efficiency, storage economy, clarity, and
regularity of structure. Students must be taught to be
conscious of the involved decisions and to critically examine
and to reject solutions, sometimes even if they are
correct as far as the result is concerned; they must learn
to weigh the various aspects of design alternatives in the
light of these criteria. In particular, they must be taught
to revoke earlier decisions, and to back up, if necessary
even to the top. Relatively short sample problems will
often suffice to illustrate this important point; it is not
necessary to construct an operating system for this
Acknowledgments. The author gratefully
acknowledges the helpful and stimulating influence of many
discussions with C.A.R. Hoare and E. W. Dijkstra.
1. Dijkstra, E. W. A constructive approach lo the problem of
program correctness. BIT 8 (1968), 174-186.
2. Dijkstra, E. W. Notes on structured programming. EWD 249
Technical U. Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1969.
3. Naur, P. Programming by action clusters. BIT 9 (1969) 250 - 258.
4. Wirth, N. Programming and programming languages. Proc.
Internat. Comput. Symp., Bonn, Germany, May 1970.
testsquare (sets the variable
integer j (0 <= j <= 9)
integer array x[1:8] (0 <= xi <= 8)
ck = true : no queen is positioned in the \-diagonal k
procedure testsquare;
safe := a[x[j]]b[j + x[j]]c[j - x[j]]
procedure setqueen;
a[x[j]] := b[j + x[j]] := x[j - x[j]] := false
procedure removequeen;
a[x[j]] := b[j + x[j]] := c[j - x[j]]
procedure testsquare;
safe := a[i]b[i + j]c[i - j]
procedure setqueen;
a[i] := b[i + j] := c[i - j] := false
procedure removequeen;
a[i] := b[i + j] := c[i - j] := true
procedure considerfirstcolumn;
begin j := 1; i := 0 end
procedure advancepointer;
i := i + 1;
procedure considernextcolumn;
begin x[j] := i; j := j + 1; i := 0 end
Boolean procedure lastsquare
lastsquare := i - 8
j := 1; i := 0;
repeat i := i + 1; testsquare
until safe (i = 8);
if safe then
begin setqueen; x[j] := i; j := j + 1; i := O
end else regress
until (j > 8) (i < 1);
if j > 8 then PRlNT(x) else FAILURE
procedure trycolumn
begin integer i; i := 0;
repeat i := i + 1; testsquare;
if safe then
begin setqueen; x[j] := i;
if j < 8 then trycolumn(j+1);
if not safe then removequeen
until safe (i = 8)
if safe then
must be declared locally within Trycolumn too, because
they rerer to the i designating the scanned square in the
current column.)
5. The Generalized 8-Queens Problem
In the practical world of computing, it is rather
uncommon that a program, once it performs correctly and
satisfactorily, remains unchanged forever. Usually its
users discover sooner or later that their program does
not deliver all the desired results, or worse, that the
results requested were not the ones really needed. Then
either an extension or a change of the program is called
for, and it is in this case where the method of stepwise
program design and systematic structuring is most
valuable and advantageous. If the structure and the program
components were well cllosen, then often many of the
constituent instructions can be adopted unchanged.
Thereby the effort of redesign and reverification may be
drastically reduced. As a matter of fact, the
adaptability of a program to changes in its
objectives (often called maintainability) and to
challges in its environment in terms of the degree to which it is neatly structured.
Find all possible configurations or 8 hostile queens on an 8 X 8
chessboard, such that no queen may be taken by any other queen.
6. The Extended Program
The technique of extending the two given programs
finding a solution to the simple 8-queens problem is
based on the idea of modification of the global structure
only, and of using the same building blocks. The global
structure must be changed such that upon finding a
solution the algorithm will produce an appropriate
indicationÑe.g. by printing the solutionÑand then proceed to
find the next solution until it is found or the limit is
reached. A simple condition for reaching the limit is the
event when the first queen is moved beyond row 8, in
which case regression out of the first column will take
version of the nonrecursive program:
repeat trycolumn;
if safe then
begin setqueen; considernextcolumn;
if lastcoldone then
begin PRlNT(x); regress
end else regress
procedure Trycolumn(j);
begin integer i;
(declaralions of procedures testsquare, advancequeen,
setqueen, removequeen, lastsquare)
i := 0;
repeat advancequeen; testsquare;
if safe then
begin setqueen; x[j] := i;
if not lastcoldone then Trycolumn(i + l) else PRlNl'(x);
until lastsquare
The main program starting the algorithm then consists
(apart from initialization of a, b, and c) of the single
statement Trycolumn(1) .
7. Conclusions
The lessons which the described example was
supposed to illustrate can be summarized by the following
The following arlicles are lisled for further reference on the subject
of programming.